I started a company that I call Meds MASH in 2015. I am a board certified geriatric pharmacist. That means I specialize in medication use in people over the age of 60.
What Meds MASH doesn’t do for you:
- Fill your prescription
- Your local pharmacist will do this
- Change any of your prescription medications
- I will make suggestions to your doctors or help you discuss them with your doctor
- Take over your healthcare
- You will keep your doctors who will lead your healthcare
What Meds MASH will do for you:
- Talk with you to find out what are your health and life goals
- Review all of your medications
- Prescribed
- Over-the-counter
- Vitamins
- Supplements
- Herbal remedies
- Any other substances
- Obtain your medication history
- Review your labs to check for medication safety
- Kidney function
- Liver function
- Medical condition control
- Side effects
- Review your medicines compared with your allergies
- Evaluate in-depth for risks of falling
- Review for some common issues that are often missed
- Make sure you understand each of your medications and how to best take them
- Take time and answer your questions
- Provide you with detailed information you can review later and share with your doctor
- Talk direct with your doctors at your request and authorization
- Engage your family at your request and authorization
Does Meds MASH make a difference? On average in an initial review-
- We make 4.5 interventions
- A recommendation is made to improve two medications
- A recommendation is made to change a medication for 82% of clients
- Over 98% of the time a significant suggestion about medication is made!
Questions frequently asked
Doesn’t my doctor already do this?
- Rarely does your doctor know absolutely every medication you take and how you actually take it.
- Meds MASH specializes in obtaining this before reviewing the medications.
- Only a small percentage of people over 60 have a doctor board certified in geriatrics.
- Meds MASH provides a board certified geriatric expert.
- Most people have 7-15 minutes with their doctor.
- Most Meds MASH initial visits are 45 minutes.
- Rarely are people fully prepared for their doctor visit.
- Part of a Meds MASH review includes specific strategies to get the most out of each medical visit with your doctors.
Doesn’t my pharmacist already review all of my medications?
- Rarely does your pharmacist know all of the medications you take.
- They know the prescriptions only, even if you only use one pharmacy.
- You absolutely should use only one pharmacy!
- Your pharmacist has a limited time to carefully review your medicines.
- There are not many geriatric board certified pharmacists in the country.
- They know the prescriptions only, even if you only use one pharmacy.
Contact us today for a free consultation! Meds MASH 410-472-5078 or e-mail michelle@medsmash.com or on the website www.medsmash.com/contact.
For further application, check out my personal blog.