About michelle

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So far michelle has created 143 blog entries.

November 2018

Thanksgiving – Gratitude keeping you Healthy


What's your list of top 10 things for which you're grateful? Wishing you a Thanksgiving Day where you can really identify and focus on your gratitude through the day. Gratitude, grateful, thankful, thanksgiving, appreciation What do these words mean to you? What role do they play in your everyday life? Finding those areas [...]

Thanksgiving – Gratitude keeping you Healthy2020-05-07T15:46:33+00:00

September 2018

Coming Out of the Vortex – Hope in the dark


Find hope and positive messages to increase your health. Close your eyes and picture a vast swirling dark cloudy funnel pulling you in - a vortex. It is windy and noisy and frightening. It is every dark thought, unkind word, mistreatment, slander, abuse, rejection, and hurt you’ve endured. It is sucking you in [...]

Coming Out of the Vortex – Hope in the dark2020-05-07T16:27:09+00:00

July 2018

Retirement and the Rising Rate of Suicide – plan to avoid this outcome


Know the risk factors, the warning signs, and the phone number. You have had tremendous success in your career. Perhaps you started the company yourself. You at least had a major impact on its success. For years you have been planning for retirement. Your financial portfolio is ready. Your succession plans are in [...]

Retirement and the Rising Rate of Suicide – plan to avoid this outcome2020-05-07T16:33:54+00:00


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