About michelle

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So far michelle has created 143 blog entries.

February 2019

Retirement is a Dish Best Served Well-Prepared


A well-prepared retirement can be healthy and fulfilling Retirement will be most successful if you take some time and do some planning.  This is true whether you stop working completely or adjust responsibilities to have more flexibility.   Like every phase of life, big decision, or major transition, planning helps navigate the expected [...]

Retirement is a Dish Best Served Well-Prepared2020-05-07T14:49:03+00:00

January 2019

24 Hours per Day and Relationships


How do you prioritize your relationships? A friend posted this on Facebook this week.  She got it from Relationship Rules. People make time for who they want to make time for.  People text and reply to people they want to talk to.  Never believe anyone who says they’ve been too busy.  If they [...]

24 Hours per Day and Relationships2020-05-07T14:54:48+00:00

Who are You? Who gets to write that description?


Who and what defines you? Who do you want to be? Who are you?  Does that question excite you? Does it stress you? Does it depress you? Does it make you stop and wonder? When was the last time you paused and really thought about this?  Have you purposefully become who you are [...]

Who are You? Who gets to write that description?2020-05-07T15:04:30+00:00


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