Physical component of the four key components of health

Physical health component of the four key components of health

Physical health is the first of the four components of health. True health requires health in all four components. Over the next three weeks we will talk about each separately.

Physical health is the type that is usually thought of first when describing ‘health’. It relates to medical conditions, joint and muscle function, infections, bones, and organ systems. It is the primary reason we go to the doctor.

The main emphasis of health insurance has historically been physical health.

Most of the medications that are prescribed are for physical health. Medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, pain, asthma, etc. are prescribed to improve physical health.

Your physical health is often part of your decision-making. It is the main motivation to choose healthy foods, exercise, avoid smoking, and limit alcohol.

So what can you do to improve your physical health?

First, there are several things you can do to preserve your physical health. Prevention is key. To prevent heart disease and diabetes, diet and exercise are especially important. They help maintain a healthy weight. Lack of exercise and poor food choices lead to excess weight, which adds to risk for many medical conditions.

Avoid smoking. Quit if you smoke now. The negative effects on physical health are enormous.

Limit alcohol intake. An occasional drink is probably fine unless you are genetically at risk for alcoholism. Excess alcohol has many health risks.

If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition, be sure to ask plenty of questions to fully understand your diagnosis and treatment plan. Then, follow your treatment plan while keeping track of your response. Communicate your response and any medication side effects to your healthcare team.

If you have more than one medical condition and/or if you have more than one provider, keep everyone informed. You want healthcare providers who communicate with each other and take time to communicate with you. Each provider needs to know exactly what the others are doing.  Each also needs to know how you actually take each of your medications. It is only then that the safety of all your medications together can be assessed.

For more information about your physical health, contact us at

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